exploring web stuff, organizations, leadership, and general miscellany.
who the fuck is jay?

Looking for SmashingRed?

You're not lost. SmashingRed was the web design and marketing company I started in 2004 and I operated actively until 2009. I've moved on to other things since then. You can find out what on my About page.

Need help Building your Website?

If you were looking for someone to build you a marvellous website, I'd gladly recommend you take a look at the MODX Professionals. I've worked with, and spoken to, many of these vetted web developers and designers. It's the internet. You don't have to live next door to your designer, however, you should always look for the company or individual that matches your budget, ideas, and personality.

Getting to the Good Stuff Blog

While you're here, why not take a peek at my blog on getting to the good stuff in life and work.