Running Headlong After Each New Thing that Lights Me Up

I just finished Ryan Holiday's book, Growth Hacker Marketing. While I was reading it I found myself excited by the notion of tossing out old ways of Marketing. I was thinking, "I could do this. This sounds awesome! I'll start tomorrow." Then I realized I've been here before.
Since 2012, I've been on a quest for new and interesting aspects of the work I do—new ways of doing things I already do, or perhaps, new things to do altogether. I am not talking about finding a new job, but rather, finding new ways I can bring new ideas and new value what I am already doing.
I get into a new topic after reading some amazing book or watching a talk that lights me up and I want to run headlong into the subject. I want to be that subject. I've gone so far as to change my title at work a couple of times or, at the very least, get on a kick for doing exactly what I just read. Tthis applied learning has it's benefits. It clearly highlights that I am driven by learning new things.
I've dived head first into a number of fascinating topics including Content Strategy, Digital Strategy (which I think I am most aligned with), Content Marketing, User Experience, Customer Experience (something related to UX but more a holistic Marketing thing). Of course these are all related to Marketing, communications and creating great experiences.
The realization that I grab hold of the latest thing to blow my mind, doesn't make me upset (though it is a little embarrassing). The key lesson here is to take what I learn from it, combine it with all the other stuff that's come before and apply it.
So, today I am really into Growth Hacking1. I am not going to change my title on any of my social bios but I am going to change some of the things I was doing yesterday—and all future yesterdays—until I jump onto another topic that lights me anew.
1Before I heard Ryan on a podcast talking about the book and reading the book, I was very turned off by what I thought was Growth Hacking. This was based on the many Marketing-morons who didn't really get it but were spouting about it on Twitter.
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